and so it begins…

salam–a heartfelt greeting of peace. tân’si, nitôtêmak–how are you, my friends? i’m happy you’re here. let’s grab some curiosity, kick off our socks, and jump in some serious puddles! i truly hope you find glimmers of whatever it is you need in this moment here in this unfinished space; a space i am gently shaping to explore all the ways i intend to continue holding my hunger — hunger for the innocent kiss of the morning sun, for feast-worthy food that scribes stories into tongues and fills flesh with forgiveness and fortitude, for friends that know how to feel and are not afraid to fight–the ones we can stay up with all night, laughing and crying as we carve memories into vulnerability’s vault; for human touch that is so unbearably breathtaking that we have no choice but to show up as we are–real, raw, and oh so ready for the most exquisite connections that make us fall and rise in rhythm with the spark of mischief in our eyes, for spontaneous play that sets the world on fire and heals even the most stubborn of scars, for art that ignites explosions of daring delight and poetry that plucks our souls from bone and catapults us into a timeless taste of unadulterated unknown, for slivers of the midnight moon that teach us patience and point us home, for perfect patches of peace in the solitude that reminds us it’s okay to be “alone”, for softly surrendering into the tenderness + trust we’ve so bravely sewn, and most of all, hunger for falling deliriously in love with the woman i’ve nurtured + grown. -10426